As I wrote in a previous post, I wrote a BrainF interpreter in VHDL over a week-end. I decided to improve it a bit. The first think was to add nop and halt instructions. The halt instruction, with which the program buffer is filled by default, halts interpretation and can be put in the BrainF code as a # sign. As this is a “normal” instruction, it can be skipped using an “if”-like loop [#] which might come in handy for assertions and somesuch. To really be useful I’d have to expose some debug registers – e.g. with the values of the memory pointer and the instruction pointer, but that’ll come later.

The nop and halt instructions were easier to add than I had expected: I added them to the start of the list of instructions, because I expect a VHDL compiler to translate this into a 4-bit integer and I’d like nop to be instruction 0. [aside type=”code” status=”closed”]

diff --git a/BrainF.vhdl b/BrainF.vhdl
index 13895be..da7e11b 100644
--- a/BrainF.vhdl
+++ b/BrainF.vhdl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ entity BrainF is
 end entity;
 architecture behavior of BrainF is
-    type Instruction is (dot, plus, minus, advance, back_up, begin_loop, end_loop);
+    type Instruction is (nop, halt, dot, plus, minus, advance, back_up, begin_loop, end_loop);
     type Instructions is array(0 to (MAX_INSTRUCTION_COUNT - 1)) of Instruction;
     type Pipeline is array(0 to 1) of Instruction;
     subtype IPointer is integer range 0 to MAX_INSTRUCTION_COUNT;

[/aside] Any instruction that is not recognized now maps to a nop, so the dot instruction now has to be explicitly translated – as does, of course, halt. [aside type=”code” status=”closed”]

@@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ architecture behavior of BrainF is
     function toInstruction(i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return Instruction is
         case i is
+        when x"23" => return halt;
         when x"2B" => return plus;
         when x"2D" => return minus;
+        when x"2E" => return dot;
         when x"3E" => return advance;
         when x"3C" => return back_up;
         when x"5B" => return begin_loop;
         when x"5D" => return end_loop;
-        when others => return dot;
+        when others => return nop;
         end case;
     end toInstruction;
     function increment(b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is

[/aside] and we fill the pipe with nops rather than dots and the program with halts. [aside type=”code” status=”closed”]

@@ -75,13 +77,13 @@ architecture behavior of BrainF is
     signal stalled                      : std_logic := '0'; -- signals it's going forward in a loop. The p_fetch process will continue 
                                                             -- fetching until it finds the corresponding end-of-loop and puts that in pipe(0) at that time. 
     -- produced by p_fetch
-    signal pipe                         : Pipeline := (others => dot);
+    signal pipe                         : Pipeline := (others => nop);
     signal iptr                         : IPointer := 0;
     signal nest_count                   : NestCount := 0;
     signal expect_stall                 : std_logic := '0';
     signal should_back_up_on_stall      : std_logic := '0'; -- set if we expect a stall on an end_loop instruction
     -- produced by p_loadInstructions
-    signal program                      : Instructions := (others => dot);
+    signal program                      : Instructions := (others => halt);
     signal prev_load_instructions       : std_logic := '0';
     signal instruction_step             : std_logic := '0';
     signal iwptr                        : IPointer := 0;

[/aside]We immediately stall when we halt, and we reset to a pipe filled with nops…[aside type=”code” status=”closed”]

@@ -129,6 +131,10 @@ begin
                         stalled <= '0';
                     end if;
+                when halt => 
+                    stalled <= '1';
+                when nop =>
+                    null;
                 end case;
             end if;
         end if;
@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ begin
         variable done_skipping : boolean := False;
         if resetN = '0' or load_instructions = '1' then
-            pipe <= (others => dot);
+            pipe <= (others => nop);
             iptr <= 0;
             nest_count <= 0;
             done <= '0';
@@ -160,7 +166,7 @@ begin
                 -- pipe(1). Hence, while we can anticipate our not stalling (and therefore load the next instruction 
                 -- into pipe(1) regardless) we have to make sure that if we do stall, we start by backing up the 
                 -- instruction pointer twice (or not count the end_loop instruction as nesting).
-                if (pipe(1) = begin_loop or pipe(1) = end_loop) and stalled /= '1' and expect_stall = '0' then
+                if (pipe(1) = begin_loop or pipe(1) = end_loop or pipe(1) = halt) and stalled /= '1' and expect_stall = '0' then
                     expect_stall <= '1';
                     done_skipping := False;
                     if pipe(1) = end_loop then
@@ -182,6 +188,8 @@ begin
                         pipe(0) <= pipe(1);
                         iptr <= iptr + 2;
                         done_skipping := True;
+                    elsif stalled = '1' and pipe(0) = halt then
+                        done <= '1';
                     elsif stalled = '1' and pipe(0) = pipe(1) and not done_skipping then
                         nest_count <= nest_count + 1;
                     elsif stalled = '1' and nest_count /= 0 and ((pipe(0) = begin_loop and pipe(1) = end_loop) or (pipe(0) = end_loop and pipe(1) = begin_loop)) then
@@ -198,6 +206,8 @@ begin
                         if iptr /= MAX_INSTRUCTION_COUNT then
                             iptr <= iptr + 1;
                         end if;
+                    elsif stalled = '1' and pipe(0) = halt then
+                        null;
                     elsif not done_skipping then
                         assert stalled = '1' and pipe(0) = end_loop report "Unexpected stall!" severity failure;
                         if should_back_up_on_stall = '1' then
@@ -222,7 +232,7 @@ begin
     p_loadInstructions : process(clock, resetN)
         if resetN = '0' then
-            program <= (others => dot);
+            program <= (others => halt);
             prev_load_instructions <= '0';
             instruction_step <= '0';
             iwptr <= 0;
@@ -230,7 +240,7 @@ begin
             if rising_edge(clock) then
                 if prev_load_instructions = '0' and load_instructions ='1' then
-                    program <= (others => dot);
+                    program <= (others => halt);
                     iwptr <= 0;
                     instruction_step <= '0';
                     internal_program_full <= '0';
@@ -280,6 +290,7 @@ begin
                             end if;
                         end if;
                     end if;
                     prev_memory_byte_read_ack <= memory_byte_read_ack;
                 end if;
                 prev_read_memory <= read_memory;

[/aside]The test bench required a few changes:[aside type=”code” status=”closed”]

diff --git a/BrainF_tb.vhdl b/BrainF_tb.vhdl
index 452abab..53d74f2 100644
--- a/BrainF_tb.vhdl
+++ b/BrainF_tb.vhdl
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use work.txt_util.all;
 entity BrainF_tb is
 end entity;
 architecture behavior of BrainF_tb is
+    constant WARMUP_COUNTDOWN : integer := 4;
     constant INITIAL_COUNTDOWN : integer := 10;
     --constant PROGRAM : string := "++++++++";
     --constant PROGRAM : string := "[.]";
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ architecture behavior of BrainF_tb is
             ; done : out std_logic
     end component;
-    type State is (initial, start_loading_program, loading_program, running_program, success);
+    type State is (warmup, initial, start_loading_program, loading_program, running_program, success);
     function to_std_logic_vector(c : character) return std_logic_vector is
         variable cc : integer;
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ architecture behavior of BrainF_tb is
     signal memory_byte_read_ack     : std_logic := '0';
     signal done                     : std_logic := '0';
-    signal tb_state                 : State := initial;  
+    signal tb_state                 : State := warmup;  
     signal should_be_done           : std_logic := '0';
@@ -88,13 +89,24 @@ begin
     should_be_done <= '1' after PROGRAM_TIMEOUT;
     p_tb : process(clock)
-        variable countdown : integer := INITIAL_COUNTDOWN;
+        variable countdown : integer := WARMUP_COUNTDOWN;
         variable program_load_counter : integer := 0;
         if rising_edge(clock) then
             case tb_state is
+            when warmup =>
+                assert done = '0' report "Cannot be done while warming up (pipe filling with halt instructions)" severity failure;
+                assert program_full = '0' report "Program cannot be initially full" severity failure;
+                assert ack_instruction = '0' report "Cannot acknowledge an instruction I haven't given yet" severity failure;
+                assert memory_byte_ready = '0' report "Cannot have memory ready when I haven't asked for anything yet" severity failure;
+                if countdown = 1 then
+                    tb_state <= initial;
+                    countdown := INITIAL_COUNTDOWN;
+                else
+                    countdown := countdown - 1;
+                end if;
             when initial =>
-                assert done = '0' report "Cannot be done in the initial state" severity failure;
+                assert done = '1' report "Once warmed up, it should know it has no program and say it's done" severity failure;
                 assert program_full = '0' report "Program cannot be initially full" severity failure;
                 assert ack_instruction = '0' report "Cannot acknowledge an instruction I haven't given yet" severity failure;
                 assert memory_byte_ready = '0' report "Cannot have memory ready when I haven't asked for anything yet" severity failure;
@@ -104,7 +116,6 @@ begin
                     countdown := countdown - 1;
                 end if;
             when start_loading_program =>
-                assert done = '0' report "Cannot be done while loading the program" severity failure;
                 assert program_full = '0' report "Program cannot be initially full" severity failure;
                 assert ack_instruction = '0' report "Cannot acknowledge an instruction I haven't given yet" severity failure;
                 assert memory_byte_ready = '0' report "Cannot have memory ready when I haven't asked for anything yet" severity failure;

[/aside] Now that the program buffer is initialized with halt instructions, the interpreter fires up for three clock ticks before halting, so I had to add an extra state to the testbench (called it “warming up”) during which the program-done signal isn’t set yet, and after which it is.

The nice thing about this change is that it opens up the possibility to set “breakpoints” in the code: a BrainF program can halt execution, but could possibly later continue it by putting a nop in the place of the halt and continuing execution (e.g. by adding a continue command that could be sent to the interpreter).

Another bonus is that the done signal now comes up as soon as the program is done – which means you know when you can stop simulation, and you could eventually have it generate an interrupt to tell some other bit that processing is done.