A new look and a new address
Due to some technical difficulties I was having with the previous installation of the software running this site, I decided to re-install the software from scratch and, while at it, change the address from landheer-cieslak.com to rlc.vlinder.ca. The look has been updated a bit and some further improvements will take place over the next few weeks.
I’ve tried to make sure that all links to landheer-cieslak.com redirect correctly to vlinder.ca, so any existing (recent) permalink will continue to work. If any links have been seriously broken due to this move, please let me know.
Also note I will be making a few changes to some of the pages on the blog (not the posts, just the static stuff), so links to those might still break - but there were very few visitors to the static pages anyway, so I guess that’s not too much of a problem.
Thanks for your patience,